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The Cancer You’ve Never Heard Of

(LA Down Town News)

If you’re not familiar with cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (CSCC), the second most common cancer in the United States, you’re not alone. CSCC is a skin cancer that’s five times more common than melanoma – and also has the potential to become deadly. Yet nearly three out of four Americans know little about CSCC, according to a recent Skin Cancer Foundation survey of 2,010 adults in the U.S.

The survey, conducted by the Harris Poll on behalf of the Skin Cancer Foundation in coordination with Regeneron and Sanofi, revealed some alarming truths about Americans’ awareness of skin cancer. While nearly 90% of respondents were familiar with melanoma, 42% had never even heard of CSCC, despite the fact that it’s the more prevalent skin cancer. While 95% of CSCC cases are curable in early stages, approximately 40,000 cases each year progress to advanced stages.

“These survey findings reveal that CSCC is virtually unknown to most Americans, and most have significant misconceptions of how dangerous it can be if it progresses,” says Skin Cancer Foundation President Deborah S. Sarnoff, M.D. “This large gap in knowledge highlights the urgent need to increase public awareness of CSCC, including understanding of the seriousness of advanced cases.” Read more


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