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The Collapse Of Mueller And His Report

(The Boston Herald)

What an unmitigated disaster Robert Mueller’s appearances before congressional hearings were yesterday. So confused, frail and doddering was the former special counsel that the integrity of his nearly 450-page report must be questioned.

In addition, the integrity of the investigation itself has been undercut totally by Mueller’s inability and disinterest in ensuring his staff was impartial and held no animus toward President Trump. When a Texas Republican asked Mueller about the hiring of FBI agent Peter Strzok who had been sending anti-Trump text messages to his lover, former FBI lawyer Lisa Page, Mueller said it was all news to him until the summer of 2017. In 2016, Page asked Strzok in a text, “Trump’s not ever going to become president, right?” Strzok replied, “No. No, he won’t. We’ll stop it.”

An epic disservice was done to the American people with the launch of the Mueller investigation and the selection of its namesake as the lead. The country has been burdened by a prolonged national distraction for nearly three years and the payoff is an inconclusive and now discredited report that its author cannot defend, explain or undergird whatsoever with his own words.

What’s more, Mueller made it clear that his investigation was never curtailed by President Trump.

Now, there are more questions to answer: Who really oversaw the investigators? Read more


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