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The Democrats’ Platform Today

(Town Hall)

It has been a little over three months since the Democrats took control of the House of Representatives and the members of the party started declaring one-by-one-by-one that they want to replace Donald J. Trump as president. There has now been an adequate amount of time to look at what they propose as policies.

Not every candidate supports each one of these positions and/or they may support them in varying degrees, but it is fair to say that these policies are “mainstream” in their political thought. Not one Democrat has so far stood up and disavowed these positions as way beyond the pale. Also, there are other policies, but these are sucking up all the oxygen.

Here we go:

1. Adding Justices to the Supreme Court – The most popular politician of the modern era, Franklin D. Roosevelt -- the only man elected president more than twice and by wide margins with strong majorities in the House and the Senate -- tried this and failed. Yet for some unknown reason this group wants to replicate what was judged as FDR’s worst mistake – packing the Supreme Court. Read more


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