(The New York Times)

After 23 months, 500 search warrants, 2,300 subpoenas and a string of indictments, the results of the investigation by the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, will be public on Thursday in a nearly 400-page report. The treatise is likely to add significantly to our understanding of Russia’s 2016 election interference and President Trump’s efforts to control federal inquiries into the matter.
Attorney General William P. Barr said last month that the special counsel did not find that anyone associated with the Trump campaign worked with the Russian government to illegally influence the election. He also said there was insufficient evidence that Mr. Trump illegally obstructed justice. But Americans have been eagerly waiting to hear from Mr. Mueller’s investigators in their own words.
Whether you have followed every step of the investigation or are tuning in after months of avoiding the headlines, here is a primer for the report’s releaseWhen will the report come out? Thursday morning, according to the Justice Department.
Where can I find it? The Justice Department is expected to publish it on the special counsel’s website. The New York Times will be offering live updates and analysis of the key findings, as will most likely every major news organization.
What information will be redacted? Mr. Barr has said that law enforcement officials are blacking out sensitive information and that the redactions will be color-coded so we will know the reason behind each one. They will fall into four categories:
1. Information that has been presented to a grand jury, which is subject to secrecy rules. This could conceivably cover a lot of material.
2. Material that intelligence officials fear could compromise sensitive sources and methods. This would include information from F.B.I. informants and foreign allies. Read more