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The Paradox of Mob rule in America

-Source-American Thinker-

Since President Trump's election, we have been bombarded nearly daily by mobs of "Resisters" seeking to overturn the last election through verbal and physical assaults against supporters of President Trump. The assaults have been waged not only against the everyday men and women who voted for our president, but against Republican legislators and conservatives in theaters; in restaurants; at sporting events (where Congressman Steve Scalia nearly lost his life); and, as we recently observed, in the very chambers of government. Taking their cue from "Auntie Maxine" (Maxine Waters), who has urged her supporters to harass, hound, and confront their opponents wherever Republicans can be found, it is time for Republicans and conservatives to address and confront the descent into mob rule,

Senator Jeff Flake's confrontation in an elevator by two George Soros-funded hysterical women with cameras set up to film their shameful assault achieved exactly the impact the perpetrators desired. Anna Marie Archilla of the Soros-funded Center for Popular Democracy held the elevator door open while twenty-five-year-old Marie Gallagher hysterically screamed at the senator. Shortly thereafter, Flake returned to the Senate floor and called for the postponement of a vote on Judge Kavanaugh's confirmation on an allegation that had no merit. Triumphant Democratic Senate Judiciary members could be seen gleefully congratulating each other and exchanging high fives. What the left understands and Republicans have not learned is that shame and fear, when employed as tactics, work.

While mob rule and street justice have been evident throughout the Third World, we in America prided ourselves on a judicial system of law and order. We were a country of laws and not of men. As multiculturalism within the last few decades became a celebrated ideology, a demographic shift caused by third-world immigrants and aliens began to uproot our cultural heritage rooted in Western civilization. Saul Alinsky's Marxist playbook encouraged the left to take to the streets in the name of social justice, and suddenly, the left had new arrivals whose political framework was derived and shaped in countries without the rule of law. Read more


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