
There's a bubble building in markets that will burst, Ron Paul says There's a bubble building in markets that will burst, Ron Paul says
Look to the stock market and you’d assume Wall Street was doing just fine. The S&P 500 has come back to March highs, the Dow is back to positive for 2018, and the Nasdaq is at fresh records.
It’s all built on shaky foundations, said longtime market bear and former Republican Congressman Ron Paul.
This market is in the “biggest bubble in the history of mankind,” and when it bursts, it could cut the stock market in half, he told CNBC’s “Futures Now” Thursday.
“I see trouble ahead, and it originates with too much debt, too much spending,” Paul said.
This isn’t the first time Paul has made such dire warnings. During a “Futures Now” appearance in August 2017, he predicted a 50 percent drop in the market, a call he has doubled down on a number of times since. Since that appearance, the S&P 500 has rallied 15 percent.
Paul belongs to the Libertarian Party, a faction that emphasizes constrained government spending. He sees federal spending and monetary policy as dual forces inflating a market bubble. Read more