-Source- The Washington Post-

Lhad done everything right, at least on paper. As a high school senior with a GPA over 4.0, the 17-year-old had been accepted to Stanford University, one of the most prestigious colleges on the West Coast. The first in her family to graduate from high school, she was named valedictorian at Petaluma High School in Northern California, an honor that was joined by an opportunity for her to give a commencement speech.
But about four minutes into her speech at the school’s graduation ceremony on June 2, the microphone she was speaking into was disconnected.
Seitz had arrived at a part of her speech that touched on sexual assault allegations at the school, without naming anyone in particular, according to a video she later uploaded to YouTube. But school administrators had cut her off at the moment she deviated from a script that she had previously submitted to them, the Santa Rosa Press Democrat reported.
David Stirrat, the principal of the public high school, told The Washington Post by email that students had submitted their speeches for approval, then practiced with a panel. They had been warned that if they went off script, the microphone could be cut off, he said. Read more