By Ed Konecnik, Contributor,The American Dossier
Editor's Note: In light of AOC's recent testimony before Congress in what seems to be a "made for TV moment" here is a perspective.
Our hearts and minds have been imbued with moral relativism by today’s
TV programs that mostly feature amoral characters living in a world where there
is no “good” or “bad” only different. We are oblivious to pervasive and subtle
deception and accept the premise that the actions of the government are truthful,
legitimate and in our best interest. We have grown accustomed to the coercion,
control and micromanagement of our lives.
We lack heroes and a venue where truth prevails, where liars, cheaters
and frauds are unmasked, where the guilty face justice and even pay a fine,
where “old fashioned values” still matter. These were the elements of TV
programs of yesteryear where “good” trumped “bad”, where truth, justice and the
American way were secured by the likes of Roy Rogers, Perry Mason,
Superman, etc.
Consider the following: we have been led to believe Social Security
contributions made by you and your employer are in a trust fund, a so-called
“lock box”. If you die before you are eligible to collect, what happens to all that
money? The government lexicon defines a "tax cut" as an expenditure which
implies that all wealth belongs to the government to dispose of as it wishes.
Whose money is it anyway? The government caps and limits incomes, penalizes
affluence and prosperity while rewarding the less productive with cell phones,
food stamps and subsidies. Are we not nurturing dependency and mediocrity?
Fortunately, there is still one television courtroom program featuring an
intrepid arbiter who possesses an uncanny ability to detect liars and frauds and
whose inimitable merciless outbursts of moral indignation directed at those who
cheat, defraud and lie has earned the respect and admiration of millions of
viewers. If only we could summon members of congress to this court!
We no longer have the Lone Ranger but we do have Judge Judy.