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A New World Order Of Global Feudalism?

(By Edward Konecnik, Contributor, The American Dossier)

Liberals socialists and progressives believe that the disparity of wealth and incomes in our society are the result of a nefarious conspiracy, and that the role of the government is to equalize incomes so we can all live like Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos.

They are oblivious to the fact that the government can redistribute only that which it first must take from someone else; in effect whatever one person receives without working, another person must work for without receiving.

If such a claim on property is permitted and sanctioned, however small and seemingly insignificant, the sanctity of private property has been abrogated. This paradigm of "social justice" is antithetical to the rights codified in the Constitution. But that is of little concern to democratic socialists, because to them, private wealth is community property.

In fact, the government has been redistributing our property for over 50 years. At a cost of almost 59 billion dollars, the Earned Income Tax Credit is the third largest social welfare program after Medicaid and food stamps. There is a plethora of state and federally sponsored welfare programs and when you consider them all collectively, it comes to around $1 trillion in spending each year. When you add in persons receiving housing and rent subsidies and the 50 percent who pay no taxes, it seems half the population is subsidizing the other half.

We are running out of other peoples' money and must borrow almost half of every dollar we spend yet we express more concern about the rights and comfort of those who seek to appropriate, redistribute and spend even more of our money. Winston Churchill warned that "socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery". Will we capitulate and surrender our wealth and liberties to a mob promoting revolution and adoption of a new world order of global feudalism?


Edward Konecnik is a retired music teacher, musician and singer. He produced the original Value Music Video for the NY State Curriculum Guide, “Lessons In Values Education” and was awarded first place prize for his anti-drug value music video “Don’t Start” by Governor Mario Cuomo (1986).

Konecnik was invited to perform in Slovakia on TV and in festivals by the Slovak cultural agency, Matica Slovenska. He is the first American artist invited to record in Slovakia for OPUS Records. “Prisiel som ja z Ameriky” Slovak folk songs. (1989) Instrumental accompaniments performed on synthesizer by Ed Konecnik “Lovely Lady Liberty” (1990).

Slovak melodies with English lyrics in country style.

He is also District 30 Media Center Director.


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