By John Katz, Editor, The American Dossier
A couple of weeks ago we ran a story here regarding Draq Queen Story Hour (DQSH) happening in the backyard of Philadelphia (and these events re occurring all over America). An effort to cancel this event took place at the monthly Haverford Township Library Board of Trustees meeting, chaired by Phil Goldsmith. It was a meeting in which all were peaceful and cordial toward each other, in spite of their point of view. This was encouraging to witness in a day of age where it seems dialog has lost its meaning and value.
There was a strong turnout by both liberal and conservative minded alike seeking to cancel this all ages event in effort to protect children from subject matters that are inappropriate to their age.
There was even testimony from a sex abuse survivor ; their testimony was not a judgement against drag queens but about the reality that innocence of a child is vulnerable to exploitation regardless of intent. The reality is that you don’t know and cannot stereotype where and when a predator is lurking .
So far there have been two Drag Queen Story Hour readers exposed as sex offenders. One predator was photographed at a Drag Queen Story Hour (DQSH) event carrying a rubber chicken — a symbol used to indicate a sexual preference for young boys. Another individual was convicted in 2004 of sex crimes against four young children (ages 4, 5, 6, and 8), was jailed, and is listed as a "high risk sex offender.
But in spite of the facts and many sensible testimonies given seeking otherwise the Board has decided that the show must go on. What was interesting and disturbing was the strange loop-hole regarding requirement for a background check, which is something that needs to be addressed and changed. Since the performer is someone invited to speak on a one-time basis they are not required to have a background check.
On June 15th at 10:30 AM in the name of cultural diversity disregarding protecting vulnerable children , Haverford Township is sponsoring an the all ages Drag Queen Storytime as part of the Haverford Township Free Library Pride Day Activities (think: your tax dollars at work).
However there is still something we all can do. Pray for the innocent children and their parents and all those complicit in spite of their actions that they have conversion of heart and that these Drag Queen Story Times that are happening nationally come to an end.
Please share and sign this petition to Loida Garcia-Febo, the President of the American Library Association, to tell her to immediately stop the subversive efforts by the American Library Association to pervert the children of small-town America.
Please spread the word , show up and give your support with prayer this Saturday.
What: Peaceful Prayer And Vigil Against Haverford Township Free Library’s All Ages Drag Queen Story Hour
When: Saturday, June 15th,2019 Time: 10:30AM
Where: Haverford Township Free Library 1601 Darby Road, Havertown PA 19026
This event has been organized by Rosary Prayer Vigil And Outreach Group
For more information contact: