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Nation Wide Prayer Network Presents "All Saints Day Celebratio" Around the Nation

Updated: Oct 29, 2018

-Source-The American Dossier- John Katz,Editor-

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With senseless tragedies whether it be the targeted pipe bomb threats, attacks on our places of worship and or senseless shooting tragedies in our neighborhoods or schools we more than ever stop and pray.
I certainly believe  that the most significant lesson in life is that growing up is not easy. However  there are things we do as a child we take for granted and forget about. Namely the power of prayer and that God never forgets about us. I don’t know about you but being a grown up is not easy.
Even at the age of 40 something.
When  as a Child…I would often think that time could not by fast enough whether it be for  vacation or holidays.   As one gets older it certainly seems that time goes by faster then you wish for. However you become aware OF importance of COMMUNITY. As I write this we are days away from Halloween and the beginning of the madness of the holiday season.  The significance of the holidays ends up getting lost in translation. Perhaps it is the same when it comes to civic responsibility when it comes to voting. For those that are of age The Mid-term elections are  week and change away is still a relatively new platform, as we still learning to walk. We first launched  this website on July 1st. Since then we have  presented a vast amount of  political news information. We try to remain objective in our presentation and offer  our weekly editorials. We are non-partisan and ecumenical welcoming all creeds,religions and cultures. We believe that Christ is our light and salvation. We stand  by  for truth that seems to be lost in today 'secular, polarized environment. I was recently reminded about  the power and importance of prayer; in recent weeks  I was introduced to Dr  Lillie Coley from the Nation Wide Prayer Network. (nation wide 2 words)
For those that  don’t know …. Nation Wide Prayer Network  was born out of the “The Day of Pentecost” experience in 2014.
Dr. Coley coordinated prayer leaders from around the City to pray on the telephone. The Prayer leaders have continued their mission to pray and now service approximately 45,000 weekly listeners. Individuals participate through weekly phone conference calls or through the group’s social media channels.  Growing up in this day of age is not easy. And especially in this present culture youth have been mis- labeled  and isolated. We need organizations such as this to foster hope with God. Dr. Coley and I  chatted  briefly about  our missions  and ended  our conversation about  the importance of keeping  conversation  with God, the significance of  community, and need for Political Leaders who serve God ….  taking action while keeping God in focus. Prayer and and  taking civic responsibility  are not much different  when you think about it. 
It is not about party politics.
We must pray for our communities and take action thru community involvement to lead the next generation towards a relationship with God before anything else,. The American Dossier mission is to be a simple tool to make people aware OF ALL ISSUES.. Currently National Prayer Network  is  embarking on a new National effort to help reduce violence around the nation, especially youth violence, by focusing over the next 12 months on the cities of Cleveland, Ohio and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
 There is too much violence today. Too many needless deaths and innocent victims.
Our youth and young adults need God’s love. What can one person do? Maybe it would seem not much. You are cordially invited to Join NPN for a National Prayer Service on “All Saints Day”-Thursday, November 1, 2018.
This will be a gathering of Christian prayer leaders/warriors uniting together against violence through the power of Unification Prayer.
In Closing…. I recently across this  on the power of serving God.: “There are many traditions surrounding Satan’s rebellion against God at the beginning of time. One of them relates the devil’s outright refusal to serve God. Various spiritual writers have interpreted the following passage in Jeremiah to be a perfect description of Lucifer’s fall from Heaven. For long ago you broke your yoke and burst your bonds; and you said, “I will not serve.” (Jeremiah 2:20) It should come as no surprise that the prayer that Satan abhors the most is the opposite phrase, “I will serve” Many people around the world say this short and simple prayer of Serviam (“I will serve”) at the start of each day, pledging their life to God. It is a prayer of the heart, one that stands in stark contrast to the non serviam (“I will not serve”) of Satan.”
NPN will host a live 1-hour prayer session from 7-8PM EDT via in-person, social media and telephone.
Join NPN in person at 7pm: 
Pastor Tony Lee of “Garden of Prayer Ministry”, 707 East 159th St., Cleveland, OH
Reverend Edward Rix at “All Saints' Church” 1325 Montgomery Ave., Wynnewood, PA 19096 (special service times are at 10am on November 1st and November 4th)
Join NPN via Social Media/Satellite from Philadelphia 7pm :  On Facebook, Periscope, YouTube Click Here for Nation-Wide-Prayer app
Join NPN via Telephone 7pm:  Call in at 319-527-3043 or toll free at 844-800-2000 access code 664 110#

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