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The Danger Of A Rising Star Of Democratic Socialism

Updated: Mar 15, 2019

(Editor's Note: She claims to be a 'Democratic Socialist'. Perhaps finger pointing seems to be a common dominant trait among Socialist comrades. Over the weekend Ms. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez gave a rambling speech at yet another Hollywood celebrity filled event, the SXSW Festival. She took the opportunity and critiqued capitalism, blamed Ronald Reagan for racial tensions and dismissed political moderates as too insignificant to have a place at the political table. Meanwhile she missed her goodwill opportunity to say anything redeeming or otherwise about the ongoing atrocities of socialism that are currently going on in Venezuela. Currently a power outage enters its 5th day there. Venezuela is maligned by a Socialist dictator who is now finger pointing at everybody but himself. It seems once again in history that no one wants to take accountability for Socialism and its effects on human lives, 'Democratic' or otherwise.- John Katz, Editor, The American Dossier)

By Edward Konecnik, Contributor, The American Dossier

The newest rising star in politics is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Her speeches and proposals have garnered much attention, notoriety and even praise from the Democratic establishment.

The media has portrayed her as a learned perceptive scholar who has a deep understanding of economics and the Constitution in spite of myriad misstated facts and confused pronouncements. Her election to Congress has created an aura of influence and strength even though election results do not indicate support of her policies as we have been told by the media.

An examination of the election results puts her overstated embellished popularity in perspective. The NY 14th Congressional District has a population of 691,715 people. Only 141,122 people went to the polls in 2018. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez ("AOC") received and was elected to Congress with 110,318 votes.

The government now controls our transportation, our health, our money; environmentalism has provided the opportunity for it to control and tax the air we breathe.

In spite of media commentary to the contrary, AOC does not have wide spread support for her socialist platform, except from many of her colleagues in the Democratic Party.

It is not inconceivable that the platform of the Democratic Socialist Party's "New Green Deal" will include a “Car Czar” who will determine the kind of cars we will be allowed to produce, buy and drive, a “wellness dispenser” in charge of health care who will determine which medical treatments are appropriate, and the IRS will be renamed the Internal Redistribution Service.


Edward Konecnik is a retired music teacher ,musician, and singer. He produced original Value Music Videos for NY State Curriculum Guide “Lessons In Values Education” and was awarded first place prize for anti-drug music video “Don’t Start” by Governor Mario Cuomo (1986)

Konecnik was invited to perform in Slovakia on TV and Festivals by the Slovak cultural agency Matica Slovenska. He is the first American artist invited to record in Slovakia for OPUS Records.

“Prisiel som ja z Ameriky” Slovak folk songs. (1989) Instrumental accompaniments performed on synthesizer by Ed Konecnik “Lovely Lady Liberty” (1990). Slovak melodies with English lyrics in country style.

Konecnik is also the Media Center Director for District 30.


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