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The United Nations Must Stop participating in Extorting the Huddled Masses

-Source- The American Dossier,John Katz,Editor-

October 22, 2018

The immigration issues are much more complex than the Statue of Liberty Poem stanza "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses.”

According to UNESCO …" Asylum seekers are people who move across borders in search of protection, but who may not fulfil the strict criteria laid down by the 1951 Convention. Asylum seeker describes someone who has applied for protection as a refugee and is awaiting the determination of his or her status. Refugee is the term used to describe a person who has already been granted protection. Asylum seekers can become refugees if the local immigration or refugee authority deems them as fitting the international definition of refugee.

The definition of asylum seeker may vary from country to country, depending on the laws of each country. However, in most countries, the terms asylum seeker/asylee and refugee differ only in regard to the place where an individual asks for protection. Whereas an asylum seeker asks for protection after arriving in the host country, a refugee asks for protection and is granted this protected status outside of the host country."

Immigration is a much bigger issue for any individual world leader to resolve.

Believe it or not despite President Trumps rhetoric he cannot unilaterally make promises or do much of what he has threatened within the last 24 hours.

Our sovereign nation has three branches of government.

His banter should be taken as frustration and tough love.

Political finger pointing is not the answer.

Amnesty is not the answer .Stopping humanitarian aid is not the answer.

It is not easy to ‘ take a side ‘ in regards to the immigration issue. It is clearly an issue of damned of you and damned if you don’t.

The situation in Mexico with its current caravan of ‘asylum seekers’ has turned into yet another opportunity for political grandstanding from all sides.

As pointed out in The Hill, “America must stand strong in our tradition of being a beacon of light on the hill for those fleeing danger. Frustrated tweets and election politics should not be allowed to derail the important values of our great nation, nor those of our southern neighbors, in standing up for the human rights of the less fortunate.”

However, perhaps it is time our allies and associates at the United Nations step up and forgo quid pro of disregarding sovereignty …the full right and power of a governing body over itself, without any interference .

The UN likes to portray themselves as non-politcal and humanitarian, however, they must step up and respect the facts that the U.S. did not cause these people to seek refuge and that our government is not solely responsible for and cannot solely solve the problems of the worlds geo-political circus.

The Governments that these people have fled from need to be held accountable for their crimes and victimization. The other members of the UN need to step up.

If we must get political …it is the fantasy of socialism that must be ignored.

There is indeed much more at stake… the sanctity of human lives.


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