August 24,2018
-Source-The American Dossier, John Katz, Editor -
This has been yet another week of roller coaster news headlines. It’s all too easy to get caught up and become a participant in mass media hysteria and lose faith. Whether it be over collusion or immigration.
We are at crossroads in our society where faith is much challenged and often forgotten element in our weapon chest in battling against evil. Namely the reaction to murder of Mollie Tibbetts comes to mind in the realm beyond politics and political affiliation.
It was very disturbing to hear about the words of Senator Warren as quoted:
“I’m so sorry for the family here and I know this is hard not only for her family but for the people in her community, the people throughout Iowa,” she said. “But one of the things we have to remember is we need an immigration system that is effective, that focuses on where the real problems are.”
It is all too easy to get angry (and justifiable) about such statements, But our faith calls us to ask God for Healing for all.
It was further inspiring to hear about the words spread by a Pastor to Mollies church community in Brooklyn, Iowa as reported in a secular newspaper.
As reported in USA Today….”The pastor went on to call for a spirit of reconciliation. It may not come easily or quickly, he said, but the faithful must find a way to forgive”
He further went on to say:
"We need to pray for a spirit of forgiveness for the one who did this," the priest said. "Faith teaches us that Christ came to forgive us. We’re all in need of forgiveness. We’re all sinners. None of us are exempt."
We are all called to do this for all. Especially for our political leaders whether adversary or not. Yes we need to forgive but also need to actively work together respectfully to solve this /these issues.