By John Katz, Editor, The American Dossier

It has been less than two weeks since Joe Biden made his bid official in seeking the 2020 Democratic nomination for President. Thus marking his third White House campaign of his lengthy political career. The 76-year-old Biden stated to Politico; “In that moment, I knew the threat to this nation was unlike any I had ever seen in my lifetime,” Biden said. “I wrote at the time that we’re in a battle for the soul of this nation. Well, that’s even more true to today.”
In recent weeks there has been much ballyhoo again over tax returns and family foundations amongst the sitting President and his 2020 contenders. and subsequent demands for transparency.
As of this writing, the imposed deadline for Trump’s tax returns has come and gone with out any compliance, other than the explanation that he would not release information while under audit.
Failure to meet the congressional deadline has assured the administration and lawmakers will remain in a lengthy legal fight. (Although this request dates back to prior of 2016 campaign), the Dems are clearly still on the hunt for their ‘aha’ moment for 2020.
The Biden Foundation created by former Vice President Joe Biden and Dr. Jill Biden, recently announced that it would suspend operations effective immediately. Meanwhile all hope and wonder if Joe has squared away any lurking skeletons from his financial closet.
Especially consider some skepticism on integrity regarding his youngest son, Hunter Biden’s business dealings.
Perhaps at best we hold our breath and hope for no real collusion findings?
Over the weekend Hunter Biden’s firm, Bohai Harvest RST came under fire for allegedly investing in a surveillance app used to spy on Muslims in China. As reported in the Washington Examiner ,”this occurred a day after the Trump administration criticized China for mass detention of Muslims.”
This is not Hunter’s first rodeo in controversial business dealings in close proximity to his father.
Does this transaction and its timing seem collusive to you, if not a bit all in the family ?
It cannot simply be dismissed that every family has its ‘problem child. There have been several questionable business transactions involving Hunter for over 10 years.
As pointed out in an article by the New York Post, Joe Biden has held much influence in the Washington establishment for over 30 years. His gaffes have allowed him to form close relationships with both Democrats and Republicans alike. His public image is built around his “Lunch Bucket Joe” persona.
One of his closest political allies in Washington is former senator and former Secretary of State John Kerry. The two men became close while serving together in the US Senate.
In 2009 Hunter Biden went into business with John Kerry’s step son Chris Heinz. Joining them in the Rosemont venture was Devon Archer, a longtime Heinz and Kerry friend. The three friends created a series of related LLCs. The core business was Rosemont Capital, the alternative investment fund of the Heinz Family Office. Pennsylvania.
Amongst sources who have investigated some of the questionable business deals of Joe Biden and son is Government Accountability Institute President and Breitbart News Senior Editor-at-Large ,Peter Schweizer.
His investigative book Secret Empires:How the American Political Class Hides Corruption and Enriches Family and Friends details how the private equity firm of former Vice President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden inked a billion-dollar deal with a subsidiary of the Chinese government’s Bank of China just 10 days after the father and son flew on Aid Force 2 to China in 2013.
According to Breitbart’s exclusive New York Post excerpt from the book, the Biden billion-dollar China deal occurred as follows.:
The partners attached several branches to the Rosemont Capital trunk, including Rosemont Seneca Partners, LLC, Rosemont Seneca Technology Partners, and Rosemont Realty.
Of the various deals in which these Rosemont entities were involved, one of the largest and most troubling concerns was Rosemont Seneca Partners.
In 2013, Hunter Biden was managing partner in the private equity firm Rosemont Seneca Partners.
Rosemont Seneca joined forces in doing business in China with another politically connected consultancy called the Thornton Group. The Massachusetts-based firm is headed by James Bulger, the nephew of the notorious mob hitman James “Whitey” Bulger.
The Chinese funds were managed by Rosemont Seneca Bohai,( which did not involve Chris Heinz).
The timing of this meeting occurred just hours before, the vice president, met with Chinese President Hu in Washington as part of the Nuclear Security Summit.
Ten days after the trip, a subsidiary of the Bank of China named Bohai Capital signed an exclusive deal with Hunter Biden and Chris Heinz’s Rosemont to form a $1 billion joint-investment fund called Bohai Harvest RST. The deal was later increased to $1.5 billion.
“The Chinese government was literally funding a business that they co-owned along with the sons of two of America’s most powerful decision makers,” writes Schweizer in Secret Empires.
Biden has never commented on how as sitting Vice President he had no influence on this deal.
Why was Hunter Biden permitted to get a billion-dollar plus deal with the Communist Chinese government?