-Source-The Blaze-
A federal court has upheld a Louisiana law that mandates abortion facilities must meet basic health and safety policies, according to published reports.
What happened?
A panel of the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals stated there is no evidence the law will restrict women’s access to abortion, as abortion activists had claimed, The Hill reported.
Under the 2014 law, abortion providers must have hospital admitting privileges, so patients can receive proper care for emergency complications.
Shortly after the law went into place, the Louisiana abortion facility Hope Medical Group for Women and the Center for Reproductive Rights launched legal challenges, reports state.
In 2016, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down a similar law in Texas, arguing that it could restrict a woman’s access to abortion. The 5th Circuit noted that the Louisiana law is different because it did not “impose substation burden on a large fraction of women,” Life News reported. Read more