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Do we need the govt to tell us that almond milk doesn't come from a cow?


Almond milk, coconut milk and other plant-based foods might soon be labeled as 'imitation' if a class action suit succeeds.

Can you imagine starting your day with imitation milk in your coffee? Then making a sandwich on imitation bread for lunch and serving imitation noodles to your family for dinner?

If plaintiffs in a class action in the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals get their way, that will be our brave new world. Any variation from the government’s canon of standardized foods — milk must be from cows, bread and noodles must be made of wheat, and much, much more — will be deemed “imitation.”

Farewell, almond milk, rye bread and rice noodles.

Californians have a ringside seat to this battle, as disgruntled consumers go in for a rematch against Blue Diamond, the maker of Almond Breeze, after a stinging defeat in May of last year. Read more


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