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The Power of prayer in Politics-Part 2

-Source-The American Dossier, by John Katz,Editor-

The Week In Review:

The Power of prayer in Politics-Part 2

November 5 , 2018

Source-The American Dossier, John Katz- Editor

We would like to thank all who were able to participate in the Nation Wide Prayer Network events last week.

Its amazing to me how time passes by. We are about 2 and a half weeks away from Thanksgivng. Yet for the world, it seems that time does not go by fast enough. I went out for coffee this morning and already they had the Christmas tree up and End of year themed Cups already in circulation. Don’t me wrong I love Christmas, however cant we at least get to Thanksgiving?

Thanksgiving to me and I am sure for most folks is even more than the cheer and turkey. It is the time of year where we are inspired, stop, pause, and reflect on the graces we have been given.

Last week I also briefly mentioned Rev. Bill Devlin and his missions which take him all over the globe.

William Devlin (he prefers to be called Devlin, not Bill) is an Evangelical Orthodox Christian and ordained Presbyterian minister. He founded the Urban Family Council Philadelphia / NYC. A pioneer in urban ministry, his quick wit and kind demeanor has earned him recognition on a national scale, speaking on issues of popular culture on college campuses, high schools, at churches, conventions and medical and law schools. His current ministry is called Live Reckless is based out of the Infiity Bible Church in NYC.

Below is an update I just got from him:

Philadelphia Wing Bowl Ends..Thank God Says Pastor William Devlin

Contact: 1-646-233-7279

Rev. Bill Devlin long-term faith advocate and , an International Women's advocate is thankful for for shutdown of Pornographic Wing Bowl., as he stated

“ I just returned from Iraq financially assisting rescued Yazidi girls and young women who were slaves of hear the good news of the cancellation of the misnamed Wing Bowl”

Along with a number of men and women who have totally opposed this debauched pornographic event we welcome WIP radio and parent company ENTERCOM for canceling all future Wing Bowls. ‘

He also stated,:

“In the age of the #metoo movement, this ugly event was all about the total objectification of girls and women as sexual objects. Mr. Angelo Cataldi, WIP, Entercom, Philadelphia Sportswriters and the men event should be embarrassed for their total complicity in this and women who for the last 26 years have who supported and praised total degradation of girls and women. I have been outside with other sane men in protest at the Wing Bowl at 5 am for the last several years calling attention to this ugly event… We wish for these Wing Bowl Devotees a better life .maybe coming with me to Iraq and Syria to help rescue young girls who are sex slaves for ISIS.

In closing let us all pray for each other and thankful that God put his grace on us as we come to close with the Midterm Election this week and for all advocates like Rev. Devlin who live their faith.


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